Rabu, 14 Maret 2018

World news BBC or CNN

World news BBC or CNN

Image source: http://www.electrosonic.com/solutionsasia/sites/electrosonic.com.solutionsasia/files/project_profiles/cnn_bbc/news.jpg

What choice should you make while watching world news? CNN or BCC: which news channel is the best one? What are the things that you need while watching some good world news channel? In whatever business you are or what kind of industry you are operating in, you must have knowledge of the latest world news.

Even some new stories and latest events also count for importance. For example, the latest fashion designer exhibition was a big flop, but you still buy the products and shirts from that designer. Whats the benefit of world news?

Remember 9/11. Many people didnt even know of the incident and were living as usual. Different world news channels explored the story and showed the video. (Cant forget the scene even today). Remember the assassination of Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir. People living near the place didnt even know of the event, since there was no electricity in the vicinity areas.

The awareness arose after 1 hour, when different websites and world news channels started showing the death news. (The whole nation was shocked and there was rage of anger for about a week). The roads were blocked and public educational institutes announced holidays for 4 days. Some even announced for a week too. Both CNN and BBC gave a wide coverage to the news. The local news channels were showing more details and much awareness among public.

Whatever the case or event may be, one needs to get a complete world knowledge and awareness of events happening in different parts of the world. For a business person, watching world news is vital. The business could be affected by some flour or oil prices in the country. One needs to know well to expand his investments. The economic inflationary pressures often are un-felt by general public. They must know where they are lying. For example, if income of a person in $10,000. The inflation increases by 3 %, and his income becomes $12,000. Hes is still poor in real terms. (Think of the same scenario, with the size of a pie increasing, but number of people eating the pie increasing too, where do you lie?)Theres is no difference in real terms.

For bakeries watching world news is important. The demand in increase in baked products is a reason for increased flour prices. The increased oil and petrol prices are important for transport businesses, since the price of oil has increased in the world market. People and traders dealing in Soya and food commodities must also know about the overall price increase in the world market. Why gold smiths should be out of the market analysis? The daily watch of gold prices (both international and local) is of vital importance to them. Whatever the business may be, one needs to have a complete knowledge of world news.

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