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Nuclear power is another obvious answer and this form of power is being developed in various places around the world. The initial cost of nuclear power plants is very high however and there is much opposition to their use after the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents. Properly built and supervised nuclear power stations will probably be a large part of future power supply around the world.
Wind power is presently the most promising power source for small scale power generation. Individually owned wind power generators can supply a substantial portion of our power requirements in the years immediately ahead. Many companies are now offering wind turbine generators for sale to the general public and they are being installed by city and country property owners on an ever increasing scale. Another alternative is to build your own wind turbine at a very substantial saving. Any home owner or farmer in city or country can use this form of cheap power and be totally independent of the power company.It is not necessary to have continuous high winds. Even a gentle breeze will generate power.
An excellent wind turbine power generator can be built from new or used auto parts. It can be installed on the roof of a building or free standing with its own tower. The construction of the generator from available plans and instructions is actually quite simple and the average home workshopper will have no trouble in building one or several of these machines. Any excess power which is generated can be sold to the local power company in many areas. This type of wind turbine was extensively used on farms in the 1930-1950s period and was proven very reliable. Two or three of them can be built to supply as much power as needed and the power can be stored in batteries ready for use. Build it and the wind will come--bringing free power along with it.