Sabtu, 10 Maret 2018

Why Whites Will Lose Race War

Why Whites Will Lose Race War

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No, I don't mean they'll be wiped out or subjugated by Black people or anything. Black people, for the most part, are still waiting on the Jesus that the White slavers gave them half a millennium ago. Trust me, that feat of genius produced the highest-paying return on investment in the history of this world. By orders of magnitude, greater than anything Exxon-Mobil did during W's eight-year reign of economic terror. The Jesus thing is still paying incredible dividends.

To step into the arena of the subject at issue, let's consider a few facts.

Some years ago I served on a six-member jury charged with assessing guilt in a traffic case involving a collision causing property damage but no bodily injuries. It was my first involvement with the system of justice, and to me it was a clear cut case once I heard all the facts. I was the only Black person in the courtroom.

Briefly, a collision resulted when the driver of a car following another vehicle, and expecting that vehicle to make a right turn, decided to cross over into the other lane to go around it instead of waiting until the lead driver actually executed the right turn. According to testimony, the driver of the lead vehicle decided at the last second that he needed to make a left turn instead and indicated his intentions with his turn signal.

This took place on a two-lane road, one lane in each direction, with two solid yellow lines separating the lanes. I'm pretty sure that in all 50 states it is a violation to cross a double yellow line solely to go around slow moving traffic or even a vehicle slowing to make a turn.

I was sure the other jurors would all agree based on the facts. But instead I got to witness, up close and personally, what Dr. Philip Zimbardo discovered when he studied the psychology of group behavior with an eye toward how individuals behave differently when in group settings.

I only wish that I had this event on video so that my points could be made and understood without any verbal enhancement. It was truly vintage Rod Serling.

The first thing that fascinated me was that the state trooper who had responded to this traffic collision some weeks prior was acting for all intents and purposes as a prosecutor. He argued before us six civil servants that the driver of the lead vehicle created the situation that caused the collision when he made a sudden left turn after having signaled a right turn.

His client, a man who looked to be in his mid-twenties, had all the earmarks of a spoiled only-child, and sat with one ankle across the opposite knee with his foot moving in a rapid manner to express his obvious impatience. During proceedings the judge was forced to tell him to be quiet numerous times and threatened his expulsion with one more outburst. He was quite a character.

The guilty parties, according to the trooper, were two guys who did handy-man work as a living.
These two had their own lawyer, who argued convincingly that, regardless of which direction the lead vehicle finally turned, the trailing vehicle was obligated by law to wait until the lane was clear before proceeding. Under no circumstances argued the lawyer, could the trailing car cross the double yellow line separating the two lanes of opposing traffic.

The trooper argued his case first. And this ladies and germs is where I began to hear the theme music to the old TV show The Twilight Zone. As it turned out, I was seated at one end of the line of six jurors. The trooper stepped in front of the juror at the other end from where I sat and began making his case. He stood in front of this person, the head juror, for a minute or so looking directly at him, making strong eye contact as he spoke.

He then did a side step and placed himself in front of the next juror and repeated the process of staring directly at this one juror and not looking at anyone else as he spoke. He did this routine for all five jurors until he got to me. After he had finished speaking to the juror seated next to me, he thanked her and then reversed his direction and stopped briefly in front of each of the remaining four jurors to thank them before resting his case.

He did not step in front of me. He did not look at me. He did not acknowledge that I was even there. Even though my tax dollars helped pay his salary.

The trooper's endeavor to show his utter contempt for me was so blatant as to boggle the mind. Iremember thinking as I sat there how he had the power to take a life and probably get nothing more than paid leave as a result. How those like him, the racists, are entrusted with law and order and are most unfit for that duty.

The attorney for the two defendants took notice of this behavior by the trooper. When he stepped forward to plead his case, he stood a few feet further away from us than had the trooper and simply moved a little to each side as he spoke and made eye contact with each of the jurors, including me.

But you haven't heard the weird part folks. Keep listening.

Once the judge gave us marching orders, and we the jury, four men and two women, were left sequestered, the Rod Serling theme song presented some heretofore unknown stanzas.

The head juror, a man of about 60 or so, expressed right off that he was inclined to agree with the trooper that the lead vehicle was at fault. The other two men almost immediately sided with him. The three of them congregated to one side.

This left the two women and me to express our opinions. One of the women, a lady that looked to be in her fifties, stepped to the blackboard and, using the model cars, posed the question as to how the lead vehicle could be at fault when the two solid yellow stripes strictly prohibited the trailing vehicle from crossing over into the other lane.

The three amigos, lead by the head juror, simply aped the trooper's argument that the lead driver's last second decision to turn left instead of right was the cause of the collision. A curious position for a law officer to take since it obviously contravened the facts of the case and indeed went against all logic.

The lady argued with them for a few minutes and was then allied by the woman who had sat next to me during the final arguments by the attorney and trooper.

The three men made mention of how the trooper dealt with these things all the time and that none of us had seen the accident site and somehow convinced the first woman that she was mistaken and she joined their ranks. At this point I was still a non-entity, with my fellow jurors proceeding as if they didn't even see me.

When the second woman continued to hold her opinion in opposition to the others, the lead juror finally asked for my opinion. I told him I agreed with the second woman and proceeded to explain in simple and plain English that a single solid yellow line meant that you can not cross over into the opposite lane. How these solid yellow lines were used in locations with low sight distance such as curves in the road and certain intersections that created high risks of collisions. In short, how they were a safety feature designed to protect us mostly from ourselves. I ended by stressing that two solid yellow lines were equivalent to saying 'don't cross over and I mean it.'

Then the Twilight Zone music really got loud. Looking at the second woman, the lead juror again repeated that he trusted the trooper's opinion and was verbally supported by the other two men and one woman. They were all looking at the second woman. She was looking at the display board with the model cars as if she were in deep thought. After a few long silent seconds she looked at the other four and said 'I think we should give the trooper the benefit of the doubt.'

And there you have it folks, what was supposed to be a simple vote on the facts concerning a simple traffic accident became a White versus Black contest of wills. The second woman had been cowed into going against her conviction by the other four Whites who made it clear to her that she was sided with a Black person against four of her own kind.

The trooper had set the stage for this when he had used his overt body language to signal to the other jurors that the Black guy didn't count.

It is due to this type of brain-washing that the people who have labeled their collective the 'White race' will come up losers if anything remotely resembling a race war develops in America. Allow me to elaborate.

White politicians, big business, talk show hosts and the human tendency toward selfishness all conspire to make Whites believe in the false premise of White supremacy. The politicians tell you -- when they need your vote -- that although you have no jobs, no insurance, no retirement account, no hopes and no dreams, if you vote for them they will guarantee there will be no gay marriage in your state.

Big business tells you that they have to close down the plant and move it overseas because the liberals and tree-hugging politicians make environmental laws and levy taxes that make it impossible to be profitable in America. They reap huge profits and keep it offshore to avoid paying taxes. They don't give a rat's pattutie about the countless White people out of jobs.

The talk show hosts tell you that the illegal aliens have taken your jobs and are sending money back to their home countries while taking advantage of services provided by your tax dollars. They tell you who to hate and nuture your feeling of disenfranchisement as they laugh all the way to the bank.

Selfishness led you to tolerate for 400 years (and ongoing) the inhuman treatment of enslaved Africans that has only actually benefited the wealthy while the rest of you languished in poverty and reveled in the faux satisfaction of self-delusion created by the sweet-sounding sophistry that the little bird known as Jim Crow whispered in your ear. No matter how poor and uneducated your are, you're still White and better than Black.

There's only one thing that allows you to continue on this self-destructive course. And that is your refusal to look in the mirror and accept the brutal facts that when it comes to the politicians, big business and the talk show hosts, you are no more and no less than a slave.

So to keep you distracted, they plan and hold tea parties designed to channel your anger toward people who are not guilty of any of the following charges:

1. Allowing the borders to be as porous as a bottomless bucket.
2. Making you strip to board a plane.
3. Hiring visa workers for high-paying jobs but paying them less.
4. Voting the Patriot Act into law.
5. Starting wars.
6. Using your money to bailout AIG and others.

As a student of history I can tell White folks that you are being set up for a rope-a-dope that could bring it all to a sad end if you don't wake up and grow up.

Think about the list above and answer this question. How many people of color can mandate the things on that list while struggling under the system of White supremacy?

Now ask yourself another question. When the storm troopers come to your town, after being dispatched to quell race riots, will they know you by name like your local officers? And will they obey their orders? You'd better do your homework.

The two women, representing the gender that under correct circumstances is generally more prone to do justice, could not tolerate the unseen but very much felt race pressure placed upon them by the three White men. They chose race over right.

It's past time for all good and decent White people to sprout a pair and start down the path to saving themselves. But you can't save yourselves without saving everyone else. And you can't save yourselves by yourselves. We've been divided and totally conquered. Don't let the misguided of your race create a Judas goat that will lead us all to a one-world government.

Oh yeah, I hung the jury.

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