Jumat, 09 Maret 2018

Why Meditation Doesn't Work

Why Meditation Doesn't Work

Image source: http://www.sikhnet.com/files/news/2014/12-December/Budhha.jpg

The title of this article may seem a little strange. How can I say meditation does not work when there is a vast amount of research which seems to show that it does?

There is a huge amount of scientific experiments that seem to reinforce the belief that meditation can; make you healthier (both emotionally and physically), make you look younger, bolster the immune system, help you recover faster after operations, reduce stress, help you to live longer, remove past emotional issues and alter negative beliefs.

So how can I say that meditation does not work?

I can say this not because meditation never works but, unfortunately, because meditation does not work for the vast majority of us! Why is this?

Well the answer to the question "why does mediation not work?" is simple!

Meditation doesn't work for most of us because they haven't spent many, many years learning how to do it and practising it! If you have ever tried to meditate then you know just how difficult it can be. Just relaxing your body can prove to be a challenge. You get itchy, want to move about and feel restless. Even if you succeed at getting your body into the required relaxed posture you are then required to still the mind through meditation practises that are new and strange to you. It just seems like a constant uphill struggle.

So, is there a way to gain all the benefits of meditation without the drawbacks? The simple answer to this question is a resounding yes!

Through a process called brain entrainment, that uses binaural beats, you can easily enter into a state of meditation easily and within minutes.

In 1839 a discovery in sound technology was to later revolutionize the scientific world when a German professor discovered binaural beats. When a tone is sent to one ear and another tone that is almost the same, but differs slightly in frequency, is sent to the other ear a strange thing happens. The two tones, when mixed together in the brain, create the illusion of binaural beats. These beats force the brain to produce brainwaves at very specific frequencies.

Although binaural beats were discovered by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove the effect that they have on the brain wasn't understood until the late 1970s by Gerald Oster. Oster learned that when these binaural beats are used in specific ways different brain states can be induced.

The significance of how these binaural beats work becomes really interesting when we look at some experiments that were conducted using very experienced meditators and EEG machines which measure brainwave activity. It was found that during deep states of meditation these people displayed Alpha, Theta and even Delta brainwaves. These brainwave states have corresponding physical states associated with them.

Oster found that using binaural beats he could induce the Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves states at will! By listening to binaural beats that were recorded at Alpha frequencies the brain began to display Alpha brainwaves. The same was true for Theta and Delta. As these brainwave states are induced, through binaural beats, the corresponding physical state is also induced.

Therefore, through the use of binaural beats, it is now possible to duplicate the mental and physical effects of deep meditation. To enter the meditation state all you have to do is listen to the binaural beats recording through stereo headphones, close your eyes and allow the binaural beats to go to work on your brain!

So, if you are one of the majority of people who cannot make meditation work, then simply use some binaural beats and save yourself at least a decade of practise!

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