Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Why do Companies Need Logos

Why do Companies Need Logos

Image source: https://design106.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/07-WhyDoes-yourCompany-NeedaNew-LogAo.jpg

In the past, logos were only used by large corporations. These days though, it has almost become common practice for even the smallest of businesses to have a logo designed when they start out.
Below are some of the reasons why a logo is so important to companies of all sizes in todays marketplace.

Brand Establishment

A brand is much more than a logo design, even though a logo makes up an important part of a businesss brand. You want your company to eventually become a visual representation of everything good that your company represents. Existing customers should be able to immediately associate your logo with experiences that they have had with your company in the past and new customers should also be drawn to the brand by its reputation.

Customer Behavior

Customers often behave irrationally in ways that marketers sometimes dont expect. When customers are making buying decisions they sometimes place irrational value on items due to the fact that they are famous brands. You only have to look at the fashion industry to realize that customers will sometimes pay five times the price for one product, which is essentially the same as another product just because of a famous logo and the reputation and image that the logo in question has built up. A great logo gives you the ability to more easily sell your goods and services and to command a premium price for them. The value that consumers place on brands seems to be increasing.

Good First Impressions

A logo is usually the first part of a business that customers come into contact with and can thus influence the action that they will take. Will they phone you or the business with the more attractive logo?

Puff Yourself Up

A great logo conveys an image of professionalism and gives customers the feeling that you are reliable. A logo can even make your business seem to be much bigger or better established then it really is.

Let Customers Know Who you are and how you are Different

Use your logo to give your company an immediately recognizable identity. With your logo you can even let customers know how you are different from your competitors in the market.

Companies need logos for many reasons but the main reason comes down to the fact they are an essential part of doing business in the 21st century, everyone else has one and you need one for your business too if you are to be successful.

Vist our site for side by side logo company comparisons ratings and reviews. Compare online custom logo designers by price, guarantee policies, service and design quality.

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