Minggu, 18 Februari 2018

A Rustic Bathroom Decor Review

A Rustic Bathroom Decor Review

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e4/bc/16/e4bc16fc88a20185e99ffe46d9c0cd28.jpg

Remodeling any part of your home is intimidating. The jargon used for kitchen decor may not be used for living room decor or bathroom decor. However, all of the hardware shops and interior design magazines seem to think that everyone is Martha Stewart and automatically popped out of the womb being able to decipher such phrases as "rustic bathroom decor". And you don't want to be an idiot and admit that you don't know what they are prattling on about.

Think "Log Cabin"

No, not the pancake syrup but an actual log cabin that Abraham Lincoln was supposed to have built in. The type of housing that termites preach is where good termites go when they die. A home made of split and notched logs that a fireplace is then stuck inside of. Although real log cabins are passe, rustic cabins are hip and trendy. So, when someone starts going on about rustic bathroom decor, they really mean that they want to make your bathroom look like it's in a log cabin.

What About The Logical Inconsistency?

It's not good pointing out that people who live in log cabins or "rustic cabins" do not have indoor bathrooms to be the recipient of a rustic bathroom decor design. Log cabins had to be as small as possible in order to be warmed and to not destroy all of the trees in the area. This means that indoor bathrooms were not included.

When you had to go, you went outside and squatted or you went to an outhouse. Outhouses were not very glamorous and about as wide as a Port-o-Potty. Considering that there was no lighting, a huge hole with human waste at the bottom which drew an amazing amount of insects, it's not surprising that some log cabin dwellers preferred to squat outdoors in all weathers.

People who make their living of interior design really have problems with history lessons. It's not their job to be accurate or event to make sense - their job is to make you happy and have a working home. If that means inventing things like rustic bathroom decor, so be it.

What It Looks Like

Rustic bathroom decor involves dark earth tones and patterns of things like pine cones, tree leaves and bear tracks. The medicine cabinet could look as if it was carved out of a solid piece of wood. The knobs on your sink might look like acorns. Your wallpaper might perfectly mimic Lincoln Logs. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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