Selasa, 16 Januari 2018

Useful Information about Type 2 Diabetes

Useful Information about Type 2 Diabetes

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Millions of people around the world have been diagnosed with diabetes (but many others don't even yet know they have it!). This condition has no cure but fortunately it can be controlled successfully with a little bit of attention and a little bit of hard work. This article is about Type 2 diabetes and it will surely guide you towards the important aspects of controlling this condition. After reading this article you will see that you can surely get on with your life's daily activities and control your blood sugar levels with the help of a suggested diet plan and the introduction of physical activity and exercise.

Diabetes Education about type 2:

Diabetes is a condition in which there is an excess amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Diabetes is the result of high glucose in the blood which can occur after eating many different types foods, but especially poor quality carbohydrates (from white flour, sugary sweets, and from highly processed foods which contain little fibre; you need fibre in your foods to help slow down the rapid rate of sugar absorption from the intestines otherwise blood sugar levels will rise too quickly!).

There are different types of diabetes and this article will highlight Type 2 diabetes. Diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes, is confirmed with the help of a test called the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). In this test the patient is provided with a drink having 75 grams of sugar (glucose). After a period of two hours, a blood sample is taken for examination of the blood glucose level. If the result is 11 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) or more, then a diagnosis Type 2 diabetes is confirmed.

Diet in Diabetes:

You can certainly control diabetes effectively with a diet and eating plan which must include only minimal amounts of simple sugars (sweets) and simple carbohydrates (white flour products). You now need to eat 'complex' carbohydrates such as wholegrain products (with plenty of fibre), vegetables (but not potatoes), beans and pulses (chickpeas, lentils and peas). Also, you need to change your eating habits by eating frequently and eating smaller sized meals. This will mean that there are smaller rises in your blood sugar after these smaller meals (instead of really big rises in blood glucose if you have only one or two really heavy (big) meals a day). So, you should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables while reducing the intake of white flour (although brown (wholemeal) flour is good), reducing white rice (although wholegrain brown rice is good) and reducing foods high in fat (especially with a lot of trans and saturated fats!). Avoid the intake of excessive oils and try to use olive oil instead of other forms of oils.

Even people who don't have diabetes should follow this eating plan as it is healthy and may even prevent the onset of diabetes!

Lifestyle Changes:

A healthy lifestyle will surely help you to control diabetes and its serious complications. Firstly, do regular exercise (you can easily walk 10-20 minutes a day) to keep yourself fit and active, and also to burn and help your body reduce the sugar (glucose) levels in your blood. You also need to change your life style by modifying your eating habits. Eat smaller portions by dividing three big meals a day into six smaller ones. Alter your menu to include a smaller amounts of simple carbohydrates (like white flour, sugary sweets and white rice) and also include less sugar and salt intake as well.

Keep a check on your blood glucose levels regularly. Try to avoid any sudden large increases in your blood glucose by eating correctly and keeping yourself fit and healthy (by keeping active). Consult your dietitian and physician regularly with your blood sugar level records.

Your lifestyle plays a vital role in determining and controlling you blood sugar levels. So change your lifestyle by changing your meal quality and quantities. Eat smaller portions. Also try to reduce the amount of calories and the level of simple carbohydrates. And do regular exercise to keep yourself fit and active!

Role of Exercise in Diabetes:

90 % of the individuals who have Type 2 diabetes are over weight according to research surveys. So exercise has a great role to play in avoiding diabetes, or controlling it once you get it! Exercise will not only help you to maintain an ideal body weight but you will also gain the health benefits of being fit and active in life. Do regular exercise in any form, preferably to a time schedule (10, 20 or 30 min) and building up to 30 min a day, 4-5 times a week. But speak to your doctor before you begin any exercise plan! Walking, jogging, swimming and yoga are good exercises to help achieve the required level of physical activity to help you reduce your blood sugars!

Exercise will surely help you to control your cholesterol level and it will certainly also help you control your body weight.

Prevention of Diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes can be prevented in 60 % of cases by simply altering your lifestyle by incorporating good habits such as eating a balanced diet, maintaining a close to ideal body weight and undertaking regular physical activity and exercise! So, eat a healthy and controlled diet with smaller portions, avoid stress (which can increase your blood sugars) take any of the required medications and do regular exercise to enjoy life with diabetes!

Senin, 15 Januari 2018

Tips For Increasing Ecommerce Conversion Rates

Tips For Increasing Ecommerce Conversion Rates

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In the past couple of decades, ecommerce has evolved from being a mere luxury for certain internet savvy individuals to being a necessity for just about anyone connected to the internet. And the rise of smartphones has only added to the ecommerce juggernaut. Today there are online stores for everything imaginable. And all these stores are vying for the same set of customers.

Therefore it becomes all the more important to understand what to with the people who are visiting your store rather than obsessing only with bringing more and more people to your store. Today, its not just about how much traffic your get (SEO, SEM) its also about how much sales you can generate off whatever traffic you are getting (Conversion Rate Optimization). The ultimate goal of any ecommerce business is sales, not increased traffic.

So how to increase your store's conversion rate. As a general thumb rule, optimize every single customer interaction on your website to maximize conversion.

But to be more specific here are five areas of your store that you can optimize for conversion.

1. Optimize Store Homepage

Your store home page is the most important page of your shop and the most potent weapon in converting strangers into customers. How you structure and design the home page creates the first (and quite often) the last impression. So apart from aesthetic design, showcase your bestselling product on the home page. If you have the technology, personalize the home page based on the visitors browsing history and past purchases to show highly relevant products to them. If you have product videos, this is the page you showcase them.

2. Optimize Navigation Structure

Creating an intuitive and user experience focussed navigation structure for product categories is perhaps the most important step in ecommerce conversion rate optimization. Structure your navigation in such a way that it makes it super easy for your customers to find their favourite products. Some of the steps in this regard include creating category names based on what people are actually searching, using mega menu to display all categories in a platter, using category images as a visual aid in right category identification.

3. Optimize Search Functionality

Search is another are which contributed a lot to the user experience of an ecommerce website. The objective of a good ecommerce search functionality is not only to provide accurate search results but also reduce as much human effort as possible and make the search as simple and quick as possible. Test your search results for accuracy. Provide auto search functionality where users get category and product suggestions as they type in the search box, build your search functionality to include misspellings and plurals by default

4. Optimize Product Page

Once you have successfully made the customer come to their desired product page its time now to impress them your product page layout and information to convert the visitor into customer. Use high quality product images, take images from multiple angles and add an image gallery. Add product videos if available. Have an information product description and product page title. Clearly display things like product price, any applicable discounts, shipping charges, if any, and delivery time. Also allow them to select delivery dates show related products and product reviews. You can even show all reviews in one page to make reviews more accessible. All these are must have information that can seriously hamper conversion if not presented upfront, unambiguously.

5. Optimize Checkout Process

Checkout is the last mile hurdle that every ecommerce site must overcome to succeed. Every if you do everything else right and make your customers add product in the cart you will still end up with abandoned carts if the checkout process is not smooth and hassle free. Make sure to guide the customer through the process with the right information related to contact information, shipping address, billing address, payment methods, etc at the right place in the right manner. Don't make customers enter the same information more than once and don't confuse them with too many options

To Conclude

Today, bringing customers to your store by any means and hoping for revenue to magically increase doesn't happen. When you conduct a promotional activity you make a promize to your customers and when they visit your store, you need to fulfill your promize the best way possible. Anything that doesn't enhance the customer's confidence in you is going to hamper your chances of getting a sale from that customer. With conversion optimization, you maximize your chances of making the sale happen.

The Top 6 Restaurants in Dubai

The Top 6 Restaurants in Dubai

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Dubai is the perfect getaway for tourists and for UAE residents as well. It has something for everyone, and is constantly pushing the frontiers when it comes to engineering, recreation, travel and fine dining.

The city is home to some of the best restaurants in the world. Its foods cape offers almost every cuisine from around the world, including many that specialize in traditional Arabic delights. The sheer variety is bewildering from Michelin-starred restaurants to cozy cafes, theres something to satisfy every craving and budget. With more than 5,400 eateries, foodies are spoiled for choice in Dubai.

If its the exotic and unusual you crave, we recommend the following list of restaurants in Dubai. These fine-dining establishments will provide an awe-inspiring view with a memorable meal.

1. Al Mahara

There can't be many restaurants in the world where you hop in a submarine to get to your dining table.  Al Mahara, located at Burj Al Arab, is the only underwater hotel in Dubai. This award-winning signature restaurant serves western seafood with a Chinese touch, and the fish on your plate is as fresh as the ones swimming around you. Watching the aquatic life forms swim just inches away from you are seated, makes for a truly refreshing dining experience.

2. At.mosphere

Its probably the highest high youre ever going to be able to give your date - At.mosphere offers eye-popping views of Dubai from ear-popping heights.  It holds the record for being the worlds highest dining destination, and is nestled on the 122nd floor of the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa. Make the most of your time in the clouds with a seven-course set menu with wine pairings and a four-course set menu with a bottle of wine in the lounge. Enjoy the experience of dining in the skies.

3. Aprs

Inspired by the fun and chic atmosphere of European ski resorts, Aprs is a sophisticated lounge, bar and restaurant that embodies Alpine ski-lodge luxury. It is located at the foot of Ski Dubais slope in the Mall of the Emirates. Aprs amazing location and simply irresistible cocktails coupled with warm service and a striking interior makes for a truly unique experience in the Middle East.

4. PierChic

PierChic is a high-end Mediterranean seafood restaurant. Set on a bedecked pier jutting out onto the Arabian Gulf, clients are mesmerized by its ambience and exotic view.  Located at the Madinat Jumeirah, the pier is a romantic retreat, far removed from the noise and bustle of Dubai and offering pristine views of the Arabian Gulf.  Not surprisingly, this location holds a record for the most number of marriage proposals. 

 5. Qbara Restaurant Lounge & Bar

The city's premier Arabic restaurant, Qbara is much more than just a meal. The intricate light show projected on the restaurant's walls is sure to mesmerize you. The menu at Qbara is distinctive and hearty - highlights include the lobster kibbeh with avocado labneh, and a rich plate of herb-marinated roasted bone marrow with bottarga and hot Arabic bread. Be prepared to pace yourself; unlike other establishments, guests at Qbara are expected to settle into their seats for an hour-long feast.

6. Blue Elephant Restaurant

Widely regarded as one of Dubai's finest Thai restaurants, the distinctive Blue Elephant features a tranquil waterfall, exotic flowers and greenery, and intricate stained wood accents, creating the illusion that you're not in Dubai but in some quaint Southeast Asian village. The cuisine matches the dcor; dishes on the menu are created using herbs, spices and produce imported from Thailand, and the aromas of basil, chilies and lemongrass scent the air.

Thinking about food?  Then Dubai is your holy grail.  Feast to your hearts content from the culinary cauldron of the Middle East - experience the ultimate gastronomic delights in Dubai.

The New7Wonders of the World are Wondrous Indeed!

The New7Wonders of the World are Wondrous Indeed!

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What are the New7Wonders?
Explorer Bernard Webers brain child, the New7Wonders idea was his hope of linking humans from across the globe together by creating a modern list of wonders which is democratically chosen by travellers far and wide. This list of the New Wonders was compiled in 2007, and is based on votes from members of the public from all over the world. It is the ultimate ready-made bucket list for intrepid explorers and the bravest backpackers, and it boasts some of the most outstanding architectural triumphs and awe-inspiring monuments that this planet and its inhabitants have to show for themselves.

Monumentous Monuments

The monuments that made it onto this list are nothing short of absolutely iconic: the Colosseum in Rome, the Great Wall of China, Christ the Redeemer in Brazil and Indias Taj Mahal are deemed the architectural crown jewels which glimmer from this star-studded bucket list of the worlds greatest accomplishments.

True icons recognised the world over, a visit to any of these offer a moment that youll never forget. Imagine feeling the hundreds of years of history in the stone surrounding you in central Rome at the Colosseum. Picture yourself watching the sun rise over the cool marble faade of the Taj Mahals symmetrical beauty before the crowds pour in, or catching your breath at the top of the Great Walls trying stairs to glimpse stunning panoramic vistas across China.

Ancient Civilisations and How They Lived

Be impressed by the Incans ability to build an entire civilisation at several thousand metres of altitude at Machu Picchu; meander through intricate and beautiful Mayan temples in Mexicos Chichn Itz; and behold the towering structures carved from sandstone in Petra, Jordan.

The differences between these three great civilisations are apparent in the architectural styles that these impressive ruins represent. It is also clear that the love and devotion that went into erecting these masterpieces have a common echo of something that binds all humans the world over and throughout time together.

It Wouldnt be Wonderful to Forget

Before setting off on your next adventure to tick off a New Wonder, never forget that its better to be prepared for all scenarios so that you can enjoy your trip with peace of mind. A backpacker travel insurance policy is essential for allowing you to go further, higher and deeper into this exciting list on your travels. Lets Go Insures specialist backpacker travel insurance can cover your entire trip, whether youre away for a month or two or lucky enough to be on the road for a year. So, choose your destinations, buy your insurance, pack your bag and set off on the trip of a lifetime!

Ethan Bailey is an experienced adventure traveller and insurance expert with the team at Let's Go Insure. Ethans passion is to inspire his clients to go just that little bit further, deeper and higher on their travels and his expertise in providing the ideal insurance cover allows them to do just that. If you're looking for the best backpacker travel insurance Let's Go works with the most experienced underwriters, intermediaries and insurers to offer a range of competitive insurance without compromising on cover.

Minggu, 14 Januari 2018

The Italian Cruiser's Guide to Venetian Cuisine

The Italian Cruiser's Guide to Venetian Cuisine

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Food is at the very heart of the Italian way of life, with gatherings of friends and family around a table being the way in which the people here have always socialised. In Italy, to understand the food is to understand the people themselves. The way in which the Italians enjoy food fits perfectly with the slow, leisurely pace of our river cruises. Italy is a country where meals can regularly run from three to as many as six courses, with everyone enjoying the food and conversation in equal measure.
From an antipasto of cold meats, seafood or olives, to the primo piatto of pasta, soup, polenta or risotto, to the secondo piatto traditionally seafood, meat or poultry the meal then moves on to cheese, fruit and dessert courses, before ending with coffee and a digestivo.

There is as little sense of urgency to an Italian meal as there is to one of our river cruises. Italy is a country where food should be savoured and enjoyed.

Regional Cuisine of Venice

Of course, while many of us think of Italian cuisine as being one homogenous group, actually across the countrys numerous regions and provinces there are subtle differences. Because of its unique position (both geographically and historically), Venice has a very distinct cuisine that takes its influence from the many nations who visited the city during its time as an important transport hub at the centre of the worlds trade routes.

Spices from the Far East have become part of the citys culinary tradition, as have items from the rest of Europe, brought here by sailors and merchants and assimilated in to the Venetian way of cooking and eating.

Key Ingredients and Dishes

Because of its geographical position in a lagoon, Venice is, quite literally, between the sea and the mainland its food reflects this.

There is, of course, a great tradition of seafood, caught in the lagoon itself or further out to ocean. Seafood to look out for in the region include vongole (clams), cozze (mussels), gamberi, gamberetti, scampi and astici (different varieties of shrimp) and seppioline (cuttlefish), all of which are often used in soups or as part of a pasta or risotto dish. Probably the most famous Venetian seafood dish is actually made from imported cod. Baccala Mantecata is salted cod creamed with olive oil, garlic and parsley. It is often served with the local polenta for a light, delicious starter.

There is also a Venetian custom of eating meat reared either on the islands or the mainland, due to the limited space on the lagoon islands. Mainland meat is given a wonderful Venetian twist when it is served in traditional dishes like fegato alla Veneziana (Venetian veal liver and onions).

Of course with all the wonderful food youll want to enjoy some of the excellent wine produced in the region. The traditional wine to accompany a meal here is the light, refreshing Soave.

Take a culinary journey around this region on one of our river cruises. Italy and its wonderful food and wine awaits you.

Paul Newman is the Marketing and E-Systems Executive for European Waterways, the UK's most respected provider of all-inclusive, luxury river cruises and barge holidays throughout Europe. If you're looking for the most exciting river cruises, Italy is an ideal choice. Part of a team of experienced barging aficionados, Paul is first in line to endorse the perks of a slow-paced barge cruise to anyone looking for a unique holiday experience.

Pros and Cons of the Restaurant Industry

Pros and Cons of the Restaurant Industry

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Kicking off any business involves risk taking and decision making. Getting into the food industry is one of the most exciting things that any new businessman would want to delve into right now, solely because food never goes out of style.

Here is the 411 in opening a restaurant business.

The first thing that should be considered is the type of business that should be established. Taking into account where the restaurant will benefit more, and the trouble-free and most cost effective form of administration. There is a choice of sole management, partnership, or a corporation. The advantage of being the sole proprietor is that it is more flexible however, the personal accountability is unlimited. Business partnership is beneficial especially if the ones involved share a common vision, however, the drawback here would be no decision can be allowed if a partner doesn't consent to it. A corporation on the other hand, is a stable form of business. It allows multiple ownership in the form of stocks or shares; however the difficulty with this kind of business is the complexity and pricey way of establishing it.

Business should also be placed in a great location. Take into consideration its accessibility to the public and provides a good financial system. Questions like "are there a number of restaurants in the area?", or "are parking spaces needed?" and most importantly "is the rent too high?" are things to take note of.

Knowing the population that the restaurant caters to is also of importance. Will a fast food chain be better than a fancy restaurant? This may depend on the capital from which the business will start from. Making sure that the business has enough funds is better than undergoing bankruptcy in the near future.

The fun and exciting part when starting this new venture will be choosing the name, the menu, and the interior design of the place. Again, these will depend on the target population. Having an idea as to what the people want, their taste, the food they are accustomed to, the kind of food they would want to explore.

The people must have knowledge that the food offered is presentable, palatable and affordable. These are all dependent on the would-be restaurant's marketing line of attack.

Opening a restaurant requires the right timing, enough research, and stroke of luck, there is no doubt that the business will flourish and expand sooner than one may well have hoped for.

Private Catering - Brief Business Techniques

Private Catering - Brief Business Techniques

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The catering is becoming a great business in these days. The main advantage of catering business is the requirement of capital for this business is quite low. In fact if you have a good chef with you then you can rent the catering equipments and appoint some people to join you in daily payment business initially. Later you can have a stable catering set-up including the manpower and the equipments for your business. In short the catering is of two types viz. the event catering and the mobile catering. Event catering includes the catering for some special events such as wedding catering, catering party and dinner party catering etc. So now let us discuss a little about the business of catering.

While you are in the catering business, then the most important thing is to plan the business strategies carefully. Finding clients is also an important part of this business. You can have the clients through the classified advertisements or through your personal contacts. First of all you should learn the ways to be modest with your customers. Because the modesty you can have some more orders through the contacts of the client. After that you should listen the requirements of your client carefully. Now you have to organize a little more than the requirement of your customer. Some times the event catering includes the catering orders for the breakfast catering, lunch and the dinner - all three. These types of orders are always profitable. So you should deal these types of orders with immense care.

Now, before going through the factors like menu or food, it is very much important to look through some other factors. First of all, you have to organize the fresh drinking water to be used in cooking and drinking purpose of the guests. Secondly, the related equipments are very much essential too. Equipments include the food containers, dishes, spoons, glasses, and napkins etc. You should look for the good quality dining tables too. You can have collaboration with any good catering service equipment supplier for this purpose. After organizing all these, appoint some people and divide the responsibilities on them. Some will help the chef while some will be involved in serving and cleaning. Positively appoint a catering guide while your employees are serving the food.

The let us come to the major part of the private catering service business that is the catering menu. It is always better to leave the responsibility of selecting the menu to the client. While he is selecting the menu you can explain the pros and cons of a particular menu. You can suggest any other menu instead of any particular menu selected by the client with the particular reason. Now, you should suggest the menu that most people like. For an example, when a client wants to go for the Italian menu you should suggest him to include pizza in the list of menu as most of the people like it.

Lastly, you should have a good chef with you and you should try your level best to hold him with your company. Along with the mobile catering and event catering, the future of private catering and the buffet catering are seemed to be bright too.

Sabtu, 13 Januari 2018

My Favorite Sacramento Restaurants The world's Best Barbecue Sandwich Is Inside A Little Sacramento Restaurant

My Favorite Sacramento Restaurants The world's Best Barbecue Sandwich Is Inside A Little Sacramento Restaurant

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My favorite Sacramento restaurants: The world's best barbecue sandwich is inside a little Sacramento restaurant:

Hello, and thanks for tuning in to today's show. We're going to take a closer look at one particular bbq sandwich that I love more than any other. We took our mobile stand around town (courtesy of A Southern Komfort Cafe) for feedback on this spicy hot-link sandwich that I love to talk so much about. We're riding around in the Carmichael, CA. area, looking for someone to give us their take on the world famous sandwich.

Oh, there is a woman walking out of the store!

L.W. Seals: Hello, how are you doing today?

Lady: O.K. , and you?

L.W. Seals: Great. We don't really mean to bug you at all, but we're going around the city all day today, getting feedback from everyone who tries this delicious bbq sandwich, courtesy of A Southern Komfort Cafe.

Lady: BBQ sandwich? What's is it made of?

L.W. Seals: This is the world famous bbq pork hot-link (basically hot sausage) sandwich that is one of several dishes on the menu at A Southern Komfort Cafe, a Barbecue/Soul food restaurant in sacramento.

Lady: Well I'm not really very familiar with the Sacramento area, so I would'nt know where that's located.

L.W. Seals: Actually, it's located in Citrus Heights. Here's a flier if you are ever in Northern Sacramento. There's a coupon on it and everything.

Lady: Thank you so much. I am a fan of spicy foods. However, I usually don't eat a lot of barbecue.

L.W. Seals: Well, here you go...Try this, and tell me how you like it...

Lady: Wow, that is actually pretty good. I think it may be the best lunch sandwich I've ever had. I'll probably need a few wet-naps to clean my hands with, but I think it's well worth it. Do you have any more fliers or business cards?

L.W. Seals: Bingo! Here ya go. Feel free to pass them along to all of your friends and family. Here's a bottle of water to wash it down.

Lady: Thanks.I will definately pass the word on. Thanks again.

L.W. Seals: No problem. Thank you for your time.

Well, whether you like Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Thai, or other types of food...Next time you visit Sacramento, make a trip to A Southern Komfort Cafe. "It Must Be the Sauce!!"

You already know that I think it's the best barbecue sandwich in the world, but you don't have to take my word for it. Hey, that little kid's trying to take off with our cart! Get back here...Gotta go, hope to see you soon!

Murder Mystery Texas Announces Its 27th Annual New Year's Eve Celebration

Murder Mystery Texas

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Dallas, TX - Murder Mystery Texas recently provided event details for its upcoming New Years Eve Celebration, which will be held at the Omni Dallas Hotel at Park West. Murder Mystery Texas provided the hotels address, which is located at 1590 LBJ Freeway @ Luna Road, Dallas, TX 75234. The company stated that the event will take place on the night of December 31, between the hours of 8:30 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. Murder Mystery Texas indicated that this is the 27th year that this event has been held.

Murder Mystery Texas provided some additional details about the event. According to Murder Mystery Texas, the event is intended for guests ages 18 and older. The company stated that there are two event packages available: the basic package and the deluxe package. The company stated that the basic package includes a reception, gourmet dinner, drink ticket, one of their signature murder mysteries, disc jockey for dancing (Top 40 hits and Pop Music), champagne at midnight, prizes, balloon drop, party favors, taxes, tip, and a cash bar. Murder Mystery Texas went on to announce that the deluxe package includes everything listed in the basic package, plus a double occupancy guest room for the night, and breakfast the following morning. Murder Mystery Texas announced that the attire for the evening is suit and tie/cocktail dresses, up to tuxedos and evening gowns.

Murder Mystery Texas also announced the menu for the New Years Eve Celebration, which is subject to change. Murder Mystery Texas indicated that the salad course will include baby mixed greens with gorgonzola, candied walnuts, cranberries, and a shallot vinaigrette dressing. According to Murder Mystery Texas, the entre will consist of a land and sea duet of pan seared halibut with truffle cream sauce and beef tenderloin with shallot sauce, served with potatoes au gratin and roasted winter vegetables. Murder Mystery Texas mentioned that a vegetarian entre of vegetable fricassee is available as an alternative. Murder Mystery Texas also stated that the meal does include coffee and dessert. More company details can be found at

Murder Mystery Texas then concluded its announcement by providing some information about its productions. Murder Mystery Texas indicated that it performs murder mysteries in cities all over Texas, including Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio. Along with murder mystery dinners, the company specializes in private parties, private corporate parties, and getaway weekends. They can be followed at

Robert Banks
Company: Murder Mystery Texas
Address: 6304 Innsbrooke Drive, Arlington, TX 76016
Phone: (972)263-5178

Movie adaptation of new release thriller novel underway

Movie adaptation of new release thriller novel underway

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New Zealand-based film production company Morcan Motion Pictures announced this week production of one of the films on its development slate received a boost with the successful international publication of the thriller Silent Fear (A novel inspired by true crimes).
Co-authored by father-and-son writing team Lance and James Morcan, the novel has attracted rave reviews since its launch as a paperback and Kindle ebook on Amazon.

Amazon Top 500 reviewer Susan Elliot describes it as A riveting crime novel. Elliot writes, There is so much to like about this book: the plot, the pace and the characters all came together in the most riveting crime novel that Ive read in a long time. She warns readers, Do not read it on a train. You may just miss your station.

Amazon Australia Top 50 reviewer Todd Simpson describes Silent Fear as Simply Splendid. Simpson writes, There is so much to love about this entertaining and well written murder mysteryHands down this is a wonderful book, and well worth a read.

The Morcans, who are adapting their novel to a feature film screenplay, added Silent Fear to their production companys development slate several years ago.

A spokesperson for the company says development of the planned feature film was delayed to accommodate the release of the novel. That proved to be a wise decision, he says, given the interest the book is now generating for the movie.

Set in a university in London, Silent Fear was inspired by the true-life murders of students at Gallaudet University, one of the worlds premiere learning institutions for the deaf and hard of hearing, in Washington, D.C.It was written under the guidance of Brent Macpherson, one of the worlds leading deaf storytellers working in film, television and other creative mediums. Macpherson is also co-producer on the film adaptation.

The premise of Silent Fear sees Scotland Yard detective Valerie Crowther being assigned to investigate the murder of a student at a university for the deafin the upmarket Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The investigation coincides with a deadly flu virus outbreak, resulting in the university being quarantined from the outside world. When more Deaf students are murdered, it becomes clear there is a serial killer operating within the sealed-off university. A chilling cat-and-mouse game evolves as the unknown killer targets Valerie and the virus claims more lives.

A sequel is planned with more books in the series a possibility.

James Morcan says interest in the planned movie has already been received from film industry contacts. Speaking from Sydney, Australia, where he is based, he says the novel was crying out to be adapted because the storyline is very suited to the big screen.

Silent Fear is a multi-genre story that has proven appeal to fans of the crime, mystery, thriller, horror, romance and sci-fi genres, he says. Its exactly what movie-goers are looking for. However, we are under no illusions how difficult it is to greenlight movies so we will be aligning ourselves with a major producer to get it across the line. The Morcans invite expressions of interest from experienced producers.

Meanwhile, they have posted a trailer to promote the book and film on YouTube. It can be viewed at:

Silent Fear is the Morcans eighth novel to be published under the Sterling Gate Books banner. Their other books include the international thriller series The Orphan Trilogy, and the historical adventures Into the Americas and White Spirit both based on true stories and Fiji.

The link for Silent Fear is: The Amazon UK link is:

Media enquiries: James Morcan Email: Papamoa, New Zealand

Jumat, 12 Januari 2018

Mcspicy Paneer Burger Is One Tasty Joy Ride

Mcspicy Paneer Burger Is One Tasty Joy Ride

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Us everyday folks who enjoy McDonalds will never know the hard work that goes behind finding new and tasty staple food items. The invention of a new McDonalds burger is not so easy as to bake a pie. First you have to consider the demand, resources, customer mentality and other factors before you really jump the gun. Knowing your customers is the first step, but perhaps the most important is to find the right burger which even the customers do not yet know they want. Now apply this process to the Indian market with all its diverse population, cultures, preferences, inclinations and demands; makes your head spin, doesnt it? In 2010, a similar dilemma was faced by high-level representatives of McDonalds who wanted to introduce a new kind of burger using a paneer patty.

McDonalds Spicy Paneer burger is one tasty joy ride one of the most popular McDonalds burgers ever to be introduced exclusively for the Indian market, but it was not an easy task to achieve. Since the Indian market has a large demand for vegetarian items, coming up with a specialty vegetarian burger was of utmost importance. However, paneer or farmers cheese is not like meat, soya or any other meat-substitute: if prepared too soft it crumbles, unable to hold the burger together, if too hard it turns rubbery when fried. So being the pioneers of Indian fast-food, McDonalds did what it does best: it came up with a new way to manufacture the right type of paneer.

Abhijit Upadhye, the head of Menu Management and Supply Chain at McDonalds, was assigned the task of creating this specialty paneer burger. In search for an equipment that would coat the paneer just right, Abhijit sent a team consisting of McDonalds and other representatives from partner companies Vista and Kerry Systems to visit Netherlands-based CFS, a renowned food processing equipment company and alas, found what they wanted.

But that was only the first phase of the plan: Now with the right equipment in their hands, what was required was a supplier who would be able to produce 120 tonne of paneer every month. They found their supplier in a Thane-based dairy-processor owner, Rajan Malik of Good Day Foods. At the location, the team tried several approaches to find the right method of producing desirable paneer, by using different kinds of milk and creating different levels of moisture in the finished cheese. Finally, the right combination was finalized by using buffalo milk from Kolhapur belt. 

When they had the right kind of paneer figured, the team turned their energy to finding the right combination of ingredients which must compliment the paneer patty in the traditional McDonalds way. A sauce technician at Mrs. Bector took the game when he suggested tandoori sauce, and as they say the rest is history.

In March 2011, the production was started at Vistas processing unit at Taloja, Navi Mumbai and
the burger was finally launched on March 28, 2011. Its roaring success was instantaneous and since then McSpicy Paneer burger has found a loving and loyal group of customers.

Whether you go to a McDonalds outlet in the South & West, or North & East McSpicy Paneer stares down from the over-head menu with equitable dignity. In a country full of people who are as diverse in their tastes, preferences and inclinations, what McDonalds has achieved is not a shade less than genius. Being a pioneer of Indian QSR industry, McDonalds has revolutionized the way Indians go out for meals. By introducing a varied menu of vegetarian and non-vegetarian staple items, which are prepared in separate sections of the kitchen, McDonalds has embraced the widely diverse region with open-arms, creating history in the process.

Marketing environment and the factors involved

Marketing environment and the factors involved

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Marketing environment is made up of all the factors and forces that influence marketing. These forces can be internal like departments (other than marketing such as finance department and human resource department) or external like competitors, suppliers, economic or political situation. To understand them better, marketing personals divide them in two categories namely macro environment and micro-environment. Lets have a look at some of the important factors involved in marketing environment. Internal factors: All the departments involved in business management affects the process of marketing as well, for example the finance or research department in large enterprises. Marketing department is bound to keep their expenses under the budget set by the finance managers or to consider recommendations from the research department. Similarly the supplies and collections can have an impact on marketing as well.
Customer markets: Different types of customers markets include consumer markets (B2C), business markets (B2B), government markets (B2G), also a new type of customer market has emerged as a result of globalization i.e. international market. Where most other departments will treat these markets similarly, marketing team has to treat them all in different manner. Though most advertising campaigns are targeted to consumer market, the type of customer market does affect marketing decisions on the whole.

Competition: Competition is becoming more and more influential in a company's approach towards marketing. Competition stems from the business that is offering the same product as yours. A business has to counter this competition through marketing; some times businesses do try to have a hit at their competitors in advertisements (though not candidly). The level of competition is also a decisive factor when planning on how much to spend on marketing.

Different types of publics: Another important microenvironment factor is the publics (government, consumer associations, financial or media publics). All of them can have an affect (positive or negative) on company's reputation and marketing.

Demography: Good marketing managers tend to spend plenty of time in conducting demographic research for their targeted consumers. Demography is the research of gender, age, race or anything else related to consumers. International businesses are concerned about various races (Asians, Hispanics, etc) and their different set of demands. While the terms like "baby boomers" or "generation X" were invented to reflect the specific age groups of consumers.

Economic Factors: All the variables of economic markets like inflation, rate of exchange, fiscal policies and monetary policies fall under macro environment factors. They affect all businesses, and needless to say their marketing efforts as well.

Other Factors: Other notable macro and microenvironment factors are marketing intermediaries, political stability (or instability), new technologies or natural forces.

William King is the director of Designer Clothing Wholesale Suppliers, Canada Wholesale Suppliers, Distributors & Manufacturers and Wholesale Dropshippers & Wholesaler Supplies Directory. He has 18 years of experience in the marketing and trading industries and has been helping retailers and startups with their product sourcing, promotion, marketing and supply chain requirements.

Looking For Christmas Dinner Ideas

Looking For Christmas Dinner Ideas

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Christmas is the much-anticipated holiday celebrated all over the world. The whole month of December gets its charm with the lead-up to Christmas Eve. People celebrate it impressively with their friends and family. Happiness! Happiness! And Happiness, defines the joy of celebrating this special occasion with all of its wondrous traditions. After all the special prayers, sharing gifts, enjoying sweets and cakes and the rest of the activities of the celebration, the best time for the family to get together is the dinner time. So what are you planning to do this year? Are you looking for Christmas dinner ideas? Are you a person with aesthetic sense, admiring and appreciating good things all over the world? Are you interested in delighting your family with an International and Inter-cultural recipe? Then this is the right time to show your family that you are the best Chef in the universe (or at least in your house :-). Come lets see what to cook for this years Christmas dinner?
We are going to try delicious Indian dishes that are lip smacking! Yes! The list follows like this:
1. Hot Shrimp, egg and vegetable fried rice.
2. Sour and spicy Chicken fry.
3. Traditional baby eggplant gravy.
4. Onion yogurt salad.
5. Spicy Indian chai.

1. Hot Shrimp, egg and vegetable fried rice:
Serves 4

Ingredients for preparing Shrimp:
Shelled and de-veined shrimp 1 pound
Finely chopped white and green spring onions cup
Finely chopped tomatoes 3 medium size
Ginger garlic paste 2 tsp
Chili powder 1 tsp
Soya sauce 1 tsp
Salt To taste
Coriander leaves to garnish
Cooking oil - 2 tbsp

Preparation method: Take the cleaned shrimp in a bowl and add 1 tsp ginger garlic paste, chilly powder, soya sauce, and salt. Marinate it for 30 minutes. Heat oil in a pan and add the white spring onions and saut it till the onions turn golden brown, add finely chopped tomatoes and allow it till it becomes mushy. Add 1 tsp ginger garlic paste and stir till the raw smell goes off. Now add the marinated shrimp to the pan and cook on high flame for 2 minutes, then toss it to the other side and cook for 1 minute. Reduce the flame and cook it for 10 minutes with a lid covered and toss it in-between to avoid over-cooking.
Garnish it with coriander leaves and green spring onions. This is the base for the Shrimp fried rice and you can also have it as an appetizer.
Ingredients for Shrimp and egg fried rice:
Long grain variety cooked rice 4 cups
Finely chopped vegetables 1 cup (fresh green peas, beans, carrot, capsicum and sweet red pepper)
Cooked shrimp (as above) 1 cup
Eggs - 2
Finely chopped spring onions cup
Salt and black pepper powder as required
Vinegar 1 tsp
Cooking oil 2 tbsp
Preparation method: Heat oil in a large pan. Add the chopped spring onions and fry for 1 minute, then add the finely chopped vegetables and cook them on high flame for 4 minutes by regularly tossing them. Add the cooked shrimp and mix it well with the vegetables. Scramble the eggs separately and add it to the pan. Add salt and pepper for taste. Leave it for a minute on low flame. Now add the cooked rice and mix it well. Cook it on medium flame for 3 minutes and allow it to get set with shrimp, egg and vegetables flavor. Add vinegar and cook it on high flame for 2 minutes. Put off the flame and garnish this flavorsome recipe with green spring onions and enjoy your day!
2. Sour and spicy Chicken fry:
Serves 4
Boneless chicken 1 pound
Egg - 1
Vinegar 1 tbsp
Corn Flour 2 tbsp
Plain yogurt 1 cups
Chilly powder 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Finely chopped spring onions cup
Few Curry leaves
Green chilies - 3 slit across
Cooking oil For deep-fry

Preparation method: Cut chicken into medium size pieces. Take the chicken pieces in a bowl and add corn flour, egg, cup plain yogurt, chili powder and salt to it. Mix it well and marinate it for 1 hour. Heat oil in a wok and deep fry the marinated chicken. Do away with excess oil by laying the chicken pieces in an oil absorbing sheet. Now take another pan and heat 2 tbsp of oil. Add curry leaves, slit green chilies and spring onions. Saut it well and add 1 cup of thick plain yogurt to it. Add salt and chili powder to taste. Add the fried chicken pieces to the yogurt mix and cook it in a medium flame, till the chicken pieces take in the yogurt entirely. Now add vinegar and the luscious sour and spicy Chicken fry is ready to taste.

3. Traditional baby eggplant gravy:
Serves 4
Purple baby eggplant - pound
Finely chopped onions cup
Minced garlic 1 tsp
Tomatoes 2
Chili powder 1 tsp
Turmeric powder 1 pinch
Cumin powder 1 tsp
Coriander powder tsp
Coconut milk cup
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves for garnishing
Cooking oil 3 tbsp

Preparation method: Slice the eggplants till the middle in the opposite direction and this looks as if it has 4 partitions. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan and add the eggplants and saut until it turns golden brown. Keep it aside. Add 2 tbsp oil to the same pan and add onions to it. Toss the onions till they turn golden brown, now add minced garlic and tomatoes and saut it till it becomes squashy. Add chilly, turmeric, cumin and coriander powder and mix well. Add eggplants and salt to taste. Toss it carefully without flouting the eggplants. Add cup of coconut milk and cup of water and allow it cook in medium flame for 10 minutes. Switch off flame and garnish it with coriander leaves. Here goes your succulent and delectable baby eggplant gravy.

4. Onion yogurt salad:
Serves 4

Finely chopped onions 1 cup
Plain thick yogurt cup
Finely chopped green chilly tsp
Grated coconut 1 tbsp
Grated carrot 1 tsp
Coriander leaves for garnishing
Salt to taste

Preparation method: Take finely chopped onions in a bowl and add yogurt, grated coconut, green chili and salt to taste. Mix it well with your hand. Garnish this tasty and healthy salad with grated carrot, finely chopped tomato and finely chopped coriander leaves. This goes well with rice and you can also take it as a salad.

5. Spicy Indian chai:
Serves 4

Low-fat milk 5 tea cups
Black tea powder 2 tsp
Sugar as per your taste
Cardamom 3 nos
Ginger 1 inch

Preparation method: Add 5 cups of milk in a pot and allow it to boil. When the milk is about to boil, reduce the flame and add tea powder, split cardamom and sugar as per your taste. Allow it to boil for 5 minutes. Now crush the ginger piece and add it to the boiling tea. Let it boil until the 5 cups of tea simmer to 4 cups. Now remove the pot from flame and strain the tea through a strainer into your tea pot and enjoy this spicy chai after your yummy dinner, as it increases your digestion and helps your heavy meal to digest easily. Cheers.

Happy? Hope you are extremely delighted and eagerly waiting to astonish your family with a delicious dinner on your dearest festival right! Okay, get ready with the grocery list with the necessary ingredients. Enchant your family with traditional and tasty Indian meal this year, and try Chinese or Continental for the years ahead! Wish you a Merry Christmas with mouth-watering dishes.

Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

Is The Pet Food Safe To Eat

Is The Pet Food Safe To Eat

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The massive pet food recall of March 2007 which resulted in hundreds of commercial dog and cat food products to be removed from store shelves and veterinary offices. After more pet food recalls each month, is it safe to feed our pets commercial dog and cat food?

In March 2007, many major pet food manufacturers began recalling their dog and cat food products due to contamination from vegetable proteins imported from China. The contamination caused kidney failure that resulted in some deaths of dogs and cats that were otherwise healthy. This prompted an investigation from the Food and Drug Administration. At the onset, one of the largest pet food manufacturers, Menu Foods, of Ontario, was one of the first companies to single out the toxin, wheat gluten in their cuts and gravy style pet food. So first thought is that only the wet type dog and cat food was affected, but later discovered, that some dry foods also were affected. After Menu Foods went forward with their pet food recall, there was a domino effect and other pet food manufacturers followed suit with similar pet food recalls. There were big name companies like, Proctor and Gamble, Del Monte, Hills Pet Nutrition, and Nestl Purina PetCare Company, just to name a few, that issued recalls for their pet food products. These companies produce such brands as Alpo, Mighty Dog, and Prescription Diet, Science Diet, Iams and Eukanuba. Many of these brands are trusted household pet food products that may have been contaminated by the toxic wheat gluten. Wheat gluten is gluten made from wheat that is formulated to look and taste like meat from what I have gathered. In other words, those chunky meat products in Fido's and FiFi's bowl is no meat all, but wheat gluten made to look and taste like meat!

Since the FDA investigations into the contaminated pet food, many pet food manufacturers have aggressively scrambled to remove the suspect pet food from store shelves and screen their supplies more thoroughly.

For more information on this pet food recall, visit Pets Are Family Too for links and information to the FDA and pet food manufacturers! If you are like many of us and want to be sure about what your pet is eating and provide homemade dog food, check out Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Remember, if your dog or cat is vomiting and showing signs of illness, stop feeding it the pet food and take them to the veterinarian immediately!

Be aware of what you are feeding your pet family member, because there is more on this subject in the next article and the pet food recall is updated often!

Importance Of Hospitality In Restaurants

Importance Of Hospitality In Restaurants

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Corporate hospitality is hospitality provided by businesses, usually for its clients or potential clients. The purpose of corporate hospitality is to build business relationships and to raise awareness of the company. Corporate entertaining is also used as a way to thank or reward loyal customers. Companies these days understand the importance of marketing through building relationships with clients and through the company's reputation.

They are willing to spend large amounts of money to do this well.

 Reasons for spending money on corporate hospitality include:

1.    To build relationships with potential customers

2.    To reward customers/thank them for loyalty

3.    As a marketing tool/to raise company or product profile

4.    To increase business/sales

5.    To achieve closer informal contact in a relaxed environment

6.    To raise and keep up the company's profile/ public relations

7.    To encourage repeat business/to retain clients or customers

8.    To keep the customers happy

9.    To talk about business/to network

10.  To achieve better communication interaction/ improved understanding

11.  To meet the expectations of customers or the industry

12.   To reward/boost staff or team morale

 13.   For the social benefits

The restaurant sector has become the largest in the UK hospitality industry. It includes exclusive restaurants and fine-dining establishments, as well as a wide variety of mainstream restaurants, coffee shops and cafes, fast-food outlets. Many restaurants specialize in regional or ethnic food styles, such as Asian and Oriental, Mexican and Caribbean, as well as a wide range of European-style restaurants. New restaurants and cooking methods are launching and becoming more popular all the time.

Moderately priced specialty restaurants continue to increase in popularity. In order for them to succeed, it is essential that they understand what customers want and plan a menu that will attract enough customers to make a good profit. A successful catering/restaurant manager is one who gives customers what they want. They will be aware of changing trends and adapt to them. These abilities are developed by learning different catering/restaurant manager courses. The most successful catering establishments are those that maintain the required level of sales over long periods and throughout the year.

Many customers now want the option of most popular foods at a rational price, with little or no waiting time. Fast-food establishments offer a limited menu that can be consumed on the premises or taken away. Menu items are quick to cook and have often been half or fully ready beforehand at the main production point.

Despite its complexity, catering represents one of the leading sectors of the UK economy and is fifth in size behind retail food, cars, insurance and clothing. It is also a crucial support for tourism, another major part of the economy and one of the largest employers in the country. Restaurants in the UK has approximately 40 percent of the commercial hospitality market, and small institutions employing less than ten staff make up the majority of the industry. The southeast of England has the highest application of catering and hospitality outlets.

Businesses today find themselves competing in a world economy for survival, growth and profitability. Managers working in the industry have to learn to adjust to changes in line with market demands for quality and value for money. Increased organizational attention must be devoted to profitability and professionalism. Many institutions throughout the world provide professional study courses in hospitality and degrees to equip the interested individuals with employment market demands and skills. Many people are learning hospitality management to join the restaurants hospitality as a career. Some of the main reasons behind this are a large amount of employment opportunities around the world and incentives offered by this sector. It is a respectful and entertaining occupation but requires hard work and dedication.

How to Update Outdated Drivers in Windows 10

How to Update Outdated Drivers in Windows 10

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Drivers on the computer are the essential software tools which help Windows operating system to interact with systems hardware devices. Thus, it becomes important to keep these drivers updated all the time for improved system performance. Lets have a look at ways to keep your drivers updated on your Windows 10 system.

Update outdated drivers in Windows 10 using Device Manager tool:

Device Manager allows you to find and check all devices (such as monitors, network adapters, printers and video cards etc.) on your system and their relevant drivers and updates in simple steps. It is likely that you already have the updated drivers on your system automatically despite that if you find any driver outdated on your system you can update it by going to Device Manager or reinstalling it. To update your outdated drivers on Windows 10 through Device Manager follow these steps.

Go to Start menu and type Device Manager in the Run box and press enter.
Select the Device Manager from given options.
Expand one of the categories from given options to find the name of the device you want to update and right-click (or tap and hold) on it. Select Update Driver from here. For example, if you want to update graphics cards then you need to go to Display Adapters category, right-click on the graphics card and select Update Driver.
Now select Search automatically for updated driver software, it will help you find updates automatically.
Reboot your system for the changes to take place.

If the system doesnt display or find a new driver, then try to update it from device manufacturers website and follow the instructions.

You can try these steps to manually update the outdated drivers on the system easily. But it has some limitations while updating manually as you may miss some critical update or you may not update drivers aptly. This issue can be avoided by using driver updater apps which help you update your drivers automatically on your system. One such tool is Advanced Driver Updater which is one of the best driver updater software which offers instant and accurate results. Lets have a look at its features and how it works.

Advanced Driver Updater:

This is one of the finest software available to update your outdated drivers instantly on your system. It scans and finds your system to find outdated drivers and update them automatically. It is designed to deliver efficient results and to speed up your system performance by improving the performance of your drivers. It installs all recent updates to your drivers so that they perform efficiently. During the process, it searches and find all recent driver updates on the Internet and installs them on your system. Using this tool, you can see the visible difference in your system drivers performance and to your system as a whole. It offers various useful features and functions, lets discuss some of them here.

Update Outdated Drivers:

This is the primary function of the app as it helps you find and update all outdated drivers on your system. It scans download and installs all latest drivers automatically on your system to improve overall system performance.

Driver Exclusion List:

It offers Driver Exclusion List feature to exclude any driver which you may feel can create an issue and instability due to compatibility issue. It happens sometimes that certain drivers dont support and work they are intended to be, thus you can put them into exclusion list to avoid trouble caused by them while updating system drivers. Once you put any driver to exclusion list it will not be added to future scans and will not be updated further.

Backup and Restore:

This is one of the best features of the app as it allows you to take backup of your drivers for future reference. It gives you better control over your installed drivers. You can select either full or selective backup of your system drivers as per your needs and restore them anytime you want.

Scheduled Driver Scan:

This is another useful function of the app as it allows you to schedule regular scans and updates on your computer. As hardware manufacturers release new updates of drivers on regular intervals it becomes important to have such an app on the system to keep the drivers updated and well performing.

Full compatibility with the latest operating system:

It is designed to support all Windows versions. As your system requires different drivers for different versions of operating system, it selects and installs right driver updates on your system as per system configuration.

How does it work?

Download and launch the app.
Click on Start Scan button to initiate the scanning process of your existing drivers.
The app will furnish a detailed report here about all outdated driver on your system.
Click on Update All button to instantly update all drivers on your system.

Keeping updated drivers on your system can help you improve system speed and performance. In such a situation, driver updater apps work efficiently to keep your drivers performance well. Using these tools, you can save your valuable time and reduce the manual efforts.

Rabu, 10 Januari 2018

How to Treat Swollen Eyes

How to Treat Swollen Eyes

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The first thing to take into consideration is just where the baggy eyes have come from. There are actually several sources that could be the cause of your puffy eyes. For some of you, the reason that you get them is from your genetic makeup. If this is the case, it can be very hard to get rid of them as your body's make up says it is to be so. Here, people are just born with a darker colored skin surrounding their eye.

The next thing you can do is the old-fashioned cucumber over the eyes trick. It works wonderfully because the cucumber juice helps get rid of the dark circles under the eyes. So place two fresh slices of cucumber onto your closed eyes and lay back for about half an hour. Repeat this process every day and you will soon start to see results.

If dryness is your problem, a lightweight, fragrance-free moisturizer will help. Be certain the moisturizer does not contain any irritating ingredients that could make matters worse. If you have time in the morning, place cool compresses on the eyes; if you don't have time, leave your moisturizer in the refrigerator to apply when you wake up. Alcohol consumption and a diet high in salt can cause water retention and increase puffiness around the eyes. Contact lenses can cause irritation and swelling, so be sure that you are wearing the most comfortable type for your vision correction.

I did some research on the internet. It's an allergy for sure, but against what? Probably against one of the cleaners I used in cleaning the kitchen of our new (fixer-upper) house. I also used a lot of Clorox there and also continued to use Clorox in decapsulating brine shrimp (for the aquarium fish). Could it be an allergy against chlorine?

Heredity can be involved in the condition, especially when we approach our 40s. Just look at your Mom or Granma to check if they have dark circles under their eyes, too. If yes, your under-eye puffiness is, most probably, a hereditary condition that runs in the family and there is really not much you can do about it

If you suffer from under-eye puffiness on a regular basis, check if it is related to your monthly cycle. If puffiness appears several days before your period, consider it a manifestation of PMS. Try to use natural diuretics, such as green tea, and eliminate salty foods, most carbohydrates, and excess liquid from your menu about one week prior to your period. Such measures should drastically reduce hormonal-induced dark circles and puffiness under your eyes, which are caused by premenstrual water retention.

Fill a small bowl with iced water or ice-cold milk. Soak a cottonwool pad with the liquid and lie down with the dampened pads over your eyes. Replace the pads as soon as they become warm. Continue for 15 minutes. As well as reducing puffiness, this treatment will brighten the whites of your eyes. Drink of enough water will also reduce eye puffiness. When a person is dehydrated the body starts storing water as a defense system and this will add to puffy eyes, so drink around 8-10 glass of water daily to get rid of puffy eyes. Make sure you get enough sleep with regular timings.

How to Format a Kingston Micro SD Card

How to Format a Kingston Micro SD Card

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Kingston Micro SD cards are used in everything from cameras, to cellular phones to gaming devices. They store data in a small and compact format for later retrieval. For many users their mobile memory cards hold their most important information, however every now and then you may want to format your card before using it for different purposes. You should also format your cards before using them the first time around. These cards are reusable, meaning that the entire device can be swiped clean and all information can be removed from them to clear up space.

Now there are different ways by which you can format Kingston Micro SD cards for reuse. You can either download specific software such as SD Formatter installer from the Internet or use the explorer in your PC itself for this purpose. Lets look at the simple steps to format Micro SD card.

Remove the Kingston SD card from the device you were using it in, and plug it into the Micro SD adapter.

Connect the micro SD adapter to the computer via a USB port. You computer will recognize it instantly.

Open the "my computer" tab in the start menu. Your SD card will be available via the screen as the "F:" drive.

Right click on the "F:" drive icon and a menu will pop up. Scroll to the "format" command in the menu. A progress bar will appear on screen as the card formats.

Once the progress bar is complete, a prompt will inform you that the SD card has been formatted and you may remove it. You are done once the prompt appears. The card will be formatted and ready to use again.

Some of the factors that need to heed to are that if you are unable to see your card among the entries in the "Drives" list or is not recognized by the computer, click the Refresh button. If you are still unable to see it, confirm that your card is fully inserted into the reader slot.

If you are using formatting software, do not attempt to use it to format anything other than SD cards. Please note that formatting your SD card will erase all your data, so it is important to back up your files prior to performing this operation. Do not remove your SD card from the reader slot while the formatting procedure is under way. Doing this will corrupt the data on the memory stick and render it unusable.

How To Encourage More People To Visit Your Wordpress Site

How To Encourage More People To Visit Your Wordpress Site

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So youve hired a Freelance Web Designer to assemble the WordPress site that perfectly suits your brands requirements but are you then just sitting on it, or actually doing something with it? What separates those online businesses that only attract, perhaps, 10 or 20 visits a day, from those that see thousands of visitors?
The answer is conscious action to attract more traffic, even once the web designers work is done. Here are some of the things that will most help you to boost interest in your site.

Pore over your analytics

A lot of owners of WordPress sites dont spend enough time checking their analytics; Google Analytics should be considered almost essential, and you should check it once a week, or perhaps even more often than that.

One good idea is to check your analytics after every event for example, the posting of a blog or podcast, or the addition of a new page to the site. Youll need to wait for a day after the event before checking, as it will take this long to register, but doing so regularly helps to give you a sense of what is working on your site and what isnt.

What is bringing the greatest positive response from your visitors, and which you therefore need to do more of... and what needs to be quickly abandoned due to how it depresses your traffic? Your sites analytics will give you answers to these important questions.

Be savvy with your blog titles

While it is obviously important for the main content of your WordPress blog posts to be well-written, the titles of those blog posts must also be eye-catching its no less crucial than it is for the headlines of a newspaper.

Particularly when you share links to your blog content via other platforms like Twitter, the title may be all that the viewer initially sees. With this in mind, dont hesitate to experiment with different title formats that are known to attract attention, such as 5 reasons for..., What you should know about... and How to...

Reduce your image sizes

This is one of the many ways you can help to speed up your website neither human users nor the search engines like slow websites, so this can be a great quick win measure for SEO.

WordPress will resize your images and will also create images at 2x the size for retina screens but you should also consider a plugin like Smush to compress and optimise your images for the web. It is still good to adjust the size of the original image prior to uploading to ensure you dont take up unnecessary space on your hosting account.

Use keywords intelligently

While keywords have certainly not ceased to be relevant for the purposes of search engine optimisation (SEO), they should be used in a manner that reflects the actual terms being entered into online search boxes by your target consumers.

Consider the titles, meta descriptions and main page content on your WordPress site; are you missing opportunities to be more specific and relevant about what casual searchers can expect to find on a given page to address their needs?

Introduce polls

Whether in your blog content or on your main website, a poll can help to boost engagement among your visitors, giving them an obvious means of participating in your site content. It may also tempt them to revisit your site simply to discover the poll results.

Make me your choice of freelance web designer

You do need to make a certain amount of effort on an ongoing basis to ensure your WordPress site continues to enjoy a high level of good-quality traffic. However, its also important for your site to be designed in a suitably optimised fashion from the beginning.

Talk to me and find out how a freelance web designer can create the ideal WordPress Designer site for your business or brand in accordance with your bespoke requirements.

Selasa, 09 Januari 2018

How to Cook Lobster Tails and Tournados

How to Cook Lobster Tails and Tournados

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How to Cook Lobster Tails

An extra special treat for any occasion - If you are using small sized lobster tails you probably want to add steak to your menu.


Frozen uncooked lobster tails, thawed - 4oz to 5oz
Cayenne Pepper

Using kitchen shears, cut through the shell, down the center right to the end of the shell only. If not completely thawed, hold under room temperature tap water to speed the process up. Spread the shell apart slightly and cut meat down the center being careful not to cut all the way through. Insert a finger under the meat (between the cartilage) and gently bring meat to top of the shell. Push the shell together so meat stays on top of the lobster shell.

Spread the softened butter generously in a think layer over meat. Sprinkle lightly with the cayenne pepper and arrange on a shallow baking pan. If you're not quite ready to serve you can refrigerate them until ready.

Bake in oven at 550 degrees Fahrenheit for about 7 minutes. Serve with melted butter in little bowls or dishes for dipping.

For poached lobster tails place the thawed lobster tails in boiling salted water, cover and let simmer for about 10 minutes. Remove cartilage and serve as is, or loosen and cut up meat and replace in shell before serving.

This meal goes lovely with baked potatoes, carrots and a Cesar salad. If your guests are big eaters then adding steak to the dinner might be a good idea. If you feel like keeping the dinner fancy and extra special then Tournados might be a lovely addition.


Fillet steaks, 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inches thick.
Bacon Slices
Mushroom Caps
Bread Slices

Around each steak circle a slice of bacon and secure with wooden toothpick. Fry in margarine, browning both sides for about 3 minutes for rare and about 5 minutes each side for medium. It is important to turn the steaks without piercing the meat. Sprinkle with pepper and remove and keep hot.

Saut(c) mushroom caps in frying pan. Cut bread in circles slightly larger than steaks and then fry to brown both sides. Place fillets on fried bread rounds and top each fillet with a mushroom cap.

Once again this recipe is a lovely addition to the lobster tails or by itself. Serve with potatoes, carrots, salad or any other special side dish you have cooked up!

Hansgrohe Rainbrain Review

Hansgrohe Rainbrain Review

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Hansgrohe can transform the bath in more ways than one. The company is pleased to introduce RainBrain, a new electronic computer system for the shower. Created in collaboration with Hansgrohe's long-time design partner, Phoenix Design, the visually appealing interface is also intuitive and easy-to-understand. RainBrain brings intellect to the bathroom and has already garnered praise in Europe , as the product was awarded the iF Communication Design Award.

Much like a tablet, RainBrain is outfitted with an electronic touchscreen panel that allows users to control five individual functions, of which any three can be used simultaneously. Extremely user friendly, the system turns on and off with just one touch and can be preset for up to four people. All the important functions, such as spray mode and temperature are presented in a logical arrangement along the top of the screen. Easily identifiable icons flanking the left hand side can be used to manage the hand shower and side showers. Beyond the basics, the system's warm-up function flushes out cold water and automatically adjusts to the preset temperature as soon as it is turned on - preparing the shower for instant enjoyment. It is an achievement in electronic gadgets.

Options for water cascade, hot/cold shower alternation and music selection via a Bluetooth compatible smartphone or media player are easily accessible via the menu function. The central knob also controls temperature and has a convenient on/off push pause feature. In addition, the home screen provides a visual display of the status of the overall system. Temperatures and time are illuminated and easy to read. Large-scale pictograms featuring animation and color-coding indicate the activity of the individual showerheads. Transitions between the various screens produce clear sequences of commands. The electronic anti-scald system protects children and adults from being exposed to high temperatures by accident. RainBrain is available in a chrome and white/chrome finish and measures 5 3/8" x 9 5/8".  In addition, RainBrain is cUPC listed by IAPMO R&T, and approved for use in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

According to Russ Wheeler, president of Hansgrohe North America, "This innovative system revolutionizes the shower experience. As its name suggests, it brings intelligence to the shower, and seamlessly responds to the user's specifications with the touch of a finger. As smartphones, tablet computers, and other personal electronic devices become more and more a part of our daily lives, it was only natural to bring this technology into the bathroom. While engineered to suit Hansgrohe's range of offerings, the system can be used for Axor products as well."

Food Concession Trailers To Secure Your Future

Food Concession Trailers To Secure Your Future

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Food concession trailers can help you to make a nice living, doing something you love. Many people are looking for something different to do in this day and age, and there are many opportunities to make money, if you know where to look for them.

There are many different types of trailers out there, and if you know what you want to do with your business, you will be one step closer to making your goal a reality. There are many types of business you can have, and you should explore all of your options before you make a decision.

The most common place to use food concession trailers is at fairs or large outdoor gatherings. This can be a great place to make money and you may be surprised at all of the business an outdoor gathering can bring to your company.

There may also be several events in your area that you can participate in and increase your business. You may also want to explore traveling and this can be a great way to see the country and make a lucrative living.

You may want to do some research when it comes to the food business you will start. You may visit outdoor gatherings and see what your competition is and if there is a market that has not yet been tapped. This ensures that you are not starting a company that has fierce competition with others.

You also want an appealing trailer to the customer. If you have an old trailer that needs some paint, people may be turned off about eating your food and may associate whatever you are selling with the appearance of your trailer, and if you have an outdated trailer that needs some work, you may be losing out on valuable business.

Your trailer should be appealing to the eye, and should clearly advertise what you are selling. The inside of your trailer should be kept clean and orderly and if not, customers will see this and will avoid your trailer because of lack of cleanliness.

Food concession trailers can help boost your business to the next level. A nice trailer will attract customers, and will help you to start and maintain a business that will provide a nice profit for many years to come. With some good planning, and a little research, you can quickly be on your way to this fun and exciting career in no time.

Senin, 08 Januari 2018

Famous Chefs in History

Famous Chefs in History

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Because of the French domination of the culinary scene since time began (or so it seems, anyway), it stands to reason the most famous chefs in history are - what else? - French, with the exception of one American woman (discussed later), who was, nevertheless, trained in classical French cooking.

Known as the "King of Chefs and the Chef of Kings," Antoine Careme went from being an abandoned child left at the door of a restrauteur in 18th century Paris, to become the father of "haute cuisine" - the high art of French cooking - in the early 19th century. Chef to then-world movers and shakers such as diplomat Talleyrand-Perigord, the future King George IV, Czar Alexander I, and the powerful banker James Rothschild, Careme is noted for his voluminous writings on cooking, including the famed L'Art de la Cuisine Francaise (The Art of French Cooking), a five-volume masterpiece on menu planning, table settings, hundreds of recipes, and a history of French cooking.

Another Frenchman, George Auguste Escoffier, bridged the 19th and 20th centuries with a modernization of Careme's elaborate cuisine by ingenious simplification of it. Escoffier lent his talents as a chef to open the Ritz and Carlton hotels with partner Cesar Ritz, and then went on to wow such illustrious passengers as Kaiser William II of Germany on the German liner Imperator. Besides being known for such famous treats at Peach Melba, created for Australian singer Nellie Melba in 1893, Escoffier penned numerous volumes on cooking and was largely instrumental in the betterment of conditions within commercial kitchens. A stickler for cleanliness, he demanded the same from his workers and forbade swearing or any type of violence, which at the time, was common as apprentices and other help were routinely beaten by older staff.

Charles Ranhofer, the son of a restrauteur and the grandson of a chef, goes down in the annals of great chefs as the first French chef to bring the grandeur of his country's cuisine to America. Noted primarily as the head chef of New York City's famed Delmonico's restaurant, Ranhofer ran its kitchens for nearly 34 years. Serving such luminaries as President Andrew Johnson, President U.S. Grant, Charles Dickens, and a host of foreign dignitaries, Ranhofer created such culinary distinctions as Lobster Newburg and Baked Alaska, among many others. He also wrote "one of the most complete treatises of its kind," according to the New York Times in praise of his book, The Epicurean, published in 1894.

A discourse on famous historical chefs would not be complete without the inclusion of one of the most gifted chefs of all time: an American woman named Julia Child. Born to a prominent California family, Child did not begin to cook until the age of 34. It was after she moved with her husband to France that she had her grand epiphany: Good food is more than roast beef and mashed potatoes. She flung herself headlong into an education at the esteemed Cordon Bleu cooking school in Paris and later wrote Mastering the Art of French Cooking with two partners. Child went on to become the first "celebrity chef" with more books, television programs, newspaper columns, and magazine articles. She brought exquisite French cuisine to America as much with her "have-a-good-time" attitude toward cooking as she did with her talent and expertise.

To all these great chefs, we owe a debt for their giftedness and tireless contributions that have truly turned cooking into an art form. It does make one wonder, however, if ever the temptation arose with any of them to ever dine secretly on a lowly peanut butter and jelly sandwich or to toast the evening with Kool-Aid and crackers. We'll never know, but we'll surely speculate - as we take another bite of quiche Lorraine.

Eggtastic invention initiation of McDonalds Breakfast

Chickens around the world work overtime so as to be able to produce enough eggs to appease the appetite of egg-lovers. Eggs have been a part of everyday diet of people since antiquity, owing to the health-benefits of consuming eggs. In several parts of the world, but especially Europe, America, Japan, and South America, eggs are used not only as a great source of protein but in several dishes which are specific to the cuisine favored in the region. Which is to say that whether it is in the east or the west, Eggs do come up on top as the best.

It will not be wrong to claim that you can take the cuisine out of the eggs (and still happily consume them), but you cannot take eggs out of the cuisine. For a lot of people, eggs are more than just a tasty source of protein, they stand apart in the food kingdom as unique. Although a wide variety of animals produce eggs, humans mostly consume eggs that are laid by chickens. In as much as that, eggs emerging from different parts of the world are different. It is known that china has come up with a type of eggs which remains preserved and is hence called century eggs. In Japan eggs are used in many rolled items such as sushi, rice cakes etc. American eggs are different from eggs that are produced in Europe; as American eggs are first cleaned when they are laid by the chicken but no such cleaning ritual happens in European countries. According to reports published online, Paraguay is the country where most eggs are consumed in the entire world, followed closely by Mexico, France, America and other European countries. This love affair with eggs cannot be merely described in words as eggs have passed effortlessly through the transparent lines which classify different dishes and cuisines all around the world, leading to its status as a globally produced and consumed winner; and that is when we have not even mentioned the numerous health-benefits associated with the intake of eggs. Looking at this landscape which is perfectly formed for a universal egg-based dish to rise, it is hard to comprehend how no one in the quick service restaurants industry thought of incorporating eggs into their menu, except for a man named Herb Peterson.

In 1972, Ray Kroc the world renowned genius behind the McDonalds franchise, was invited to a McDonalds restaurant in Santa Barbara to try the first McDonalds burger with eggs. When Kroc saw the breakfast sandwich hot egg, combined with cheese, Canadian bacon and English muffins, he was baffled as an egg-sandwich was unheard of in those times. However, after taking a bite, Kroc, who had had lunch already, didnt stop till he had two sandwiches.

He didnt want me to reject it out of hand, which I might have done, because it was a crazy ideaa breakfast sandwich. It consisted of an egg that had been formed in a Teflon circle, with the yolk broken, and was dressed with a slice of cheese and a slice of grilled Canadian bacon. This was served open-faced on a toasted and buttered English muffin. I boggled a bit at the presentation. But then I tasted it, and I was sold, Kroc said.

Eggstastic invention, some would call it (tongue in cheek).

That was the day McDonalds most popular breakfast item was invented and since then has spread to dominate the vast reach of McDonalds empire. In the year 1976, the first McDonalds breakfast menu began that is four years after the EggMcMuffins tasting session with Ray Kroc and Herb Peterson.

According to Peterson, while experimenting with egg sandwiches for a breakfast dish, he found out that poached eggs were too runny they would just run out of the enclosing bacon and muffins, occasionally dripping over whatever he happened to be wearing then. So, after a lot of brain-storming, Peterson came up with an idea to rid the problem: he steamed the eggs in a cluster of rings in which eggs could be given the shape of the muffins. When topped with Canadian bacon, the resulting sandwich turned out to be immensely tasty, and in time, popular.

As it has less sodium in it by virtue of its preparation (steamed), Egg McMuffin became a healthy breakfast sandwich options for a lot of people, owing to its immense popularity in all the continents where a McDonalds restaurant can be found. Today it is so popular, that in many countries, the sandwich is served all day long.

Christian Weight Loss

Christian Weight Loss

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With so many good Christians wanting the opportunity to inject their faith into their lives, it seems inevitable that Christian weight loss will become the hottest diet trend since the famous Scarsdale diet. But what goes into a Christian weight loss program, and what can you get out of it?

Number one, Christian weight loss, in terms of the actual plan, is similar to any other dietthere is plenty of healthy food on the menu, portion control is a high priority, and of course exercise is a key component.

The major difference comes in the mindset of the dieter, and these differences set Christian weight loss apart from other dietsboth Christian and secular.

Many mega churches in America offer a community lifestyle centered on faith. The weekly activity calendars for these churches include aerobics classes called "Jumping for Jesus", and there are many diet support groups that meet in church recreation centers. While there is a faith element in these activities, its more about bringing together dieters who have more in common than their desire to lose weight. This can be an advantage to the dieterplacing added emphasis on the group goal(s) and inspiration(s).

Then there is Dr. Rita Hancocks Eden diet, which delves into the idea of showing God that youre worthy of His love by being a good Christian through dieting. As she says, "God is not a whip-cracking overlord who cares about the minutia of what you do or don't eat." She posits that: "He loves you the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, no matter how much your weight fluctuates." Knowing this, you should change and make weight loss a vehicle that demonstrates your love for Godas opposed to your obedience to Him.

Others take a harder line on Christian weight loss, suggesting that overeating reveals flagrant hypocrisy, which ruins your Christian witness and steals your energy, zeal, and ability to serve the Lord physically. They offer up proof through the Scripture that overeating, and therefore being overweight, is the very definition of gluttony (one of the seven deadly sins.)

They use this scare tactic to force you into purchasing their weight loss guides. While this might work for some, in general negative reinforcement rarely works in weight loss. These types of diets are the "Christian Boot Camp" version of harsh diet regimens, and should be avoided.

The most famous Christian weight loss program by far is the Weight Down Workshop. Its much more easy going as it comes from a kinder, gentler place in Christianity; one that suggests that you can turn to God for help when trying to lose weight.

Started by a women with an undergraduate degree in Dietetics and a Masters degree in Nutrition Science, youre sure to get a well-balanced diet plan that incorporates your faith into your diet by transferring your need for food to natural eating as God intended it.

Does Christian weight loss work? Well, its not for everyone, obviously. For those whose Christian faith plays a major role in your lives, it might just be the ticket that gets you moving in the right direction.

10 Ways Veterinary Apps Are Changing the Medical Field

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